Welcome to nagliTech Inc. Demo Site

Welcome to the nagliTech Inc. Demo Site. This site is build with CodeIgniter 3.x.x. and shows some coding done by nagliTech.
On the header menu is the link to a simple dashboard, with a chart of cars makes and the amount of models available per car make. This data comes from a database table, with some sample data.
Another item on the dashboard is a current weather display, the data comes from the OpenWeatherMap API.
The third item is a map showing the current location of the user. The data comes from the geolocation object in browser and can be only shown if the user agrees to allow the information to be shown.
The menu item List of cars is a drop down menu. And let you select different views of car data. Available is a list of all cars in the database table. An interactive list, allows to show cars by the make or the model. Or by make and model. And a list that show a car by the id of the car.


This API allows the user to consum data from a database. This simple API has differnt method, like show all items in the database. Show an item by using a id, update an item, delete an item, or create a new item.

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Form Submit

This is a basic entry form, to collect personal data from a user. The form is using bootstrap for formating and entry validation. It also has some javascript to ensure the correct length of the password and that the password is re-typed correctly.

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